We went to the Christmas Tree Lighting in Snowflake on the 1st and had a great time! We waited in line for Santa..which was well hard because Koby wanted down to walk around and explore. Luckily Aunt Allee grabbed a bag of candy and kept him busy for a bit. Once he got up to Santa he was really cute and smiled and was looking at the elves. I didn't get a great picture but oh well I guess. After the lighting we went to my Aunt Bets and had awesome Italian food. We were able to stay the night and then make a session at the temple the next morning. I love going to the temple and just feeling peace. Its the feeling of being where your supposed to be when your supposed to be there. The feeling that everything else doesn't matter. I'm so grateful for the things that we learn there. Every time I go I just feel PEACE.

Heres us! I love the lights and the feeling of Christmas time!

Aunt Allee was such a big help! She just had her wisdom taken out that day too!

Kaleb and Koby...Kaleb hates doing this but you have to take picutres!

It is hard to believe that little Koby was this big a year ago. He has gotten so big and is learning so much!
Hey Ashley,
I loved the pictures. Koby is so dang cute. I love to go to the temple too, it is such a wonderful place and I love the feelings you get when you are there too.
The town lighting sounds fun, maybe next year we will have to try it out!
So cute! Don't you love Christmas with babies - it makes it that much more fun! I missed the tree lighting this year. Snowflake is fun at Christmas time. You look great! I need your address for Christmas cards! Love you,
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