Sunday, July 17, 2011

The 4th

The fourth was fun! The boys loved the parade with all the candy gathering! Brody LOVED the horses and kept asking if there was going to be more horses. Then we went home and played in the water out front. Kaleb had to sleep because he worked the night before so we just had some fun in the front yard. Koby and I played catch with his frisbee for a long time. He thought it was so awesome when we actually caught one! Then we went to the inlaws for a yummy dinner. We watched the kids dance on the patio. We are grateful to celebrate our freedom!


ashley kelepolo said...

So the picture where Koby is looking down at his arms and then the next one he is flexing...he told me "I have powers.. one right here (pointing to one arm) and one right here (pointing to his other arm! What a goof!

The Brimhall Family said...

Ha! That is awesome! What a cute kid

k_kbrimhall said...

That is so funny! Koby and Brody you guys are so great! Sure do love you two!