Well Mr Ohia turned 1 on the 14th and it was so fun! Kaleb was home that day so we made cakes, cupcakes, potatoe salad and cleaned up the house. It is fun to kind of plan a party and get all ready for it. I loved the way the cake turned out and I loved how Koby dug into it! He loved all of his presents and was way funny! Erin and Josh brought their video camera so we have most of it on tape which is so fun, thanks so much! Then on Saturday we went to Snowflake to haul wood with my family which was fun. My mom gave Koby this cute barn set that moo's and sings "old McDonald had a Farm" and Koby loves it! I just can't believe how fun it was for me to see him turn one and to have a little party! I know I'm a crazy mom.
About two weeks ago we gave up the bottle. Koby started to kind of get fussy and I didn't really know why, I was trying to limit his bottles and it just wasn't working and my mom suggested to just throw away the bottles...so I did and Koby did great! Its like he knew that my mom and I were talking about it because when I went to lay him down (without a bottle) he just layed down and didn't even cry at all and did the same thing for every nap that first day so I threw them away! Yea, no more cleaning out bottles and no more buying formula!!!! That deserves like a huge Huray!
Me well, I am growing I tell ya! I'm getting excited because we find out what we are having next Wednesday, one week from today! My mother in law is going to watch Koby so not only will we get to find out but it will be a date, and a long one at that!! We haven't been so good at doing the date thing so I LOVE it when we get to. I make such a big deal out of it and I think Kaleb is embarressed but I don't care! Well maybe I will get brave enough to take a picture of my growing belly. I didn't take any belly shots with Koby and now I think it would be kind of cool to see how big I was. I mean I know I was big but you forget how big...(do I want to remember?) Well I know this is an extremely long post and I am sorry but Koby is asleep and the dishes, vacuuming, sweeping and mopping are done so lay off.
You are funny Ashley! Koby's monkey cake is so cute! You did a great job and are a great little mama!!
I remember getting my kids off bottles it is a relief to get that over with. I figured if I got them off bottles and got them pottie trained I was doing good. Just in time to get Koby off and here comes another baby! Isn't that wonderful! You are such a great mom! I can't wait to hear what you are having!
I'm so excited to hear the news. Call me! Koby is so fun! I can't believe he's one! You're doing a great job!
I love that pic of you and Koby and there is Peyton in the back crying to Josh.LOL I cant wait til you find out what you are having!
Happy Birthday to Koby!!!! He's cake was so cute!!! He is getting so big!!! :) Time sure does fly huh!! :)
Happy Birthday Koby...the cake was super cute! I didn't know you were such a good cake decorater. You'll have to help me out someday!
Do you know what your having yet??
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