Having a kid puts a whole new meaning to Halloween. It even brings out the kid in me and you know I sort of wanted to dress up. Maybe next year since I'll have two that will mean double duty and I'll really dress up. Kaleb had to work so he didn't get home until 6:30 then we went over to my in laws and just hung out and had fun getting some trick or treaters at their house. Koby would run over to the door when the bell rand and would just stand there and stare at the kids in costume. He must have thought that was really weird. I'm kind of bummed, well we carved pumpkins on Monday night which was very fun, the whole time Kaleb was telling me that we were carving them too early and I thought no its fine. Well we forgot to buy candles to put in them so I regret to say that our carved pumpkins that we spent 6 bucks a piece on sat on our counter and by the time yesterday arrived we had purchased candles but I they were so moldy that I did not want to stick my hand in them...lesson for next year..carve them later...or listen to kaleb...or carve them early, remember candles and stick them outside and light them and stuff, so you do really realize the are getting so gross?...
He is SSOOOOO CUTE!! I never thougth I would say that about a SKUNK!! :)
You look so good!!! I love your hair!! I hope you are feeling good with the new baby in the womb!!! :)
How cute!! He is SO adorable!! Congrats on the new baby!!
What a cute little skunk!!! He is too cute :)
I have to say that is the cutest costume! He is so stinkin cute! :)
Hey Ashley, I just realized that in the picture with the 3 girls holding their babies. the one on the far left is my 1st cousin. Crazy. She is so fun. I love her to death
ASHLEY I NEED HELP!!!! I was wondering if you knew how to add people as my friends so I could look at their blogs by just clicking on their name. You know what I mean? Cuz I want to be able to check and see how everyone I know is doing and all that. LET ME KNOW!!! Thanks Ash, I love ya girlie!!!!
Hey there Ashley!
It's been about 12 years, but surely you remember waking me up at Sherwood Reunion with a rousing chorus of "Wake Up Jacob" right?
I was blog stalking and ran across Blake's blog and it just kind of snowballed and I found tons of you Rogers cousins! Send me an email and I'll invite you to our private family blog!
Good to "see" you and your wonderful family again.
--Long lost cousin Sean
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