Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Alright I did it

Ok well I finally got a night light and last night was the first adventure. He actually fell asleep pretty quick and he was on the bed! But....he woke up in the night and was crying and crying for like at least 45 min and I went in there and layed on the bed with him and he settled down. Then when I would try to get up he would start to cry again so I just sat on the floor by his bed and told him to lie down and he did. He would sit up a few times to see if I was still there. Finally he was I guess comfortable enough and I slipped out of his room and he slept the rest of the night. He was awake when I left the room and he looked at me but stayed laying down. I was happy with that. Hopefully it will be better tonight but not too bad for the first night. He took him naps today on the bed too!

I just went over to the neighbors house to introduce myself and Koby and give them a loaf of bread. People are nasty! I can't believe how some people live. The smell of smoke and dirty houses that stink! I'm so grateful I know better! By the way the people were really nice but still...take care of your house!

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